Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Daily 5: Breaking It Down (Part 2)

Hi All.
Time for Part 2 of my three part series breaking down The Daily 5.  In Part 2, we'll take a look at what you need to get started and the first days of The Daily 5, also known as "the launch."
Part 2 is the longest in the series.  The Daily 5 Second Edition goes into a lot of detail about launching The Daily 5.  The launch is a very important component of The Daily 5.  Really understanding how to train your students, will set the stage for a well managed and effective Daily 5 classroom.

The time you spend preparing your classroom, gathering materials, and training your students, is a huge part of The Daily 5.  Once you have hit those marks, The Daily 5 should run smoothly for the rest of the year (on most days ;) ).
Thanks for visiting.  Be sure to stop back by for Part 3 of The Daily 5:  Breaking It Down.  We'll be focusing on The Cafe's role in The Daily 5 and Math Daily 3.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Daily 5: Breaking It Down (Part 1)

Happy summer.  Now is the time when all good teachers do some serious sole searching.  What worked this past school year?  What didn't work?  What would I like to improve?  How can I create a better learning experience for my students and not spend 80 hours a week at school?
To address some of these questions, I have a few books lined up for summer reading.  Last summer's reading included the updated edition of The Daily 5.
If you are considering implementing The Daily 5 in your class or if you have been using it for a while, you should read the second edition of this book.  It has some great reminders and some changes to make this literacy structure more user friendly.  (Spoiler alert) Plus there is a chapter devoted to Math Daily 3.

If you are interested, I'd like to share a breakdown of The Daily Five Second Edition and some personal insights in a three part series.  Part 1 focuses on Daily 5 updates, core beliefs, and 10 steps to independence.

There is quite a bit of information in the first portion of the book.  These beginning chapters outline the reasons The Daily 5 is an effective literacy model.  They also lay the groundwork for the detailed implementation process explained in the upcoming chapters.

Be sure to visit again soon.  Part 2 of this series will cover what you will need for The Daily 5 and the first days of The Daily 5 (also know as The Launch).